Doing Missionary Work in the Florida Jacksonville Mission!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ask and Ye Shall Recieve

During my missionary service I have grown in my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  Before I came out to serve a mission I only talked to God on the most important things that I needed to (usually this meant getting help with tough trials or whenever I was really in a bind).  However, through opposition and trial my mission has taught me how to turn to God for guidance and then follow the spirit when I've recieved that guidance.  Let me give you an example of how I have recieved personal revelation on my mission.  As you read this you will see how the Lord's hand is evident in the entire process:

Prior to serving my mission I had tossed around a few ideas of what I wanted to do for a career afterwards (when the two years of service are up).  I was very uncertain to say the least.  Additionally, to this point I hadn't made very many decisions with the help of God.  My motives throughout high school were more of wanting to prove people and critics wrong rather than following God's divine will/plan.  Anyways, I went the first nine months of my mission without knowing what I wanted to do.  Then one night we were at a local members home and he talked with us about his career path of being a Doctor.  His words resonated within in me and I realized that what he was talking about is exactly what I love to do.  I prayed about this and felt confirmation from the Holy Ghost that this is what I need to do.  I also felt impressed by the spirit to change colleges and go to Arizona State when I get home.  At this point I didn't know what degree I would choose but I knew that this path was right.  About 6 months later (TODAY) I was talking with a sports medicine person from our local congregation.  We talked about his career path and he mentioned to me that ASU has a good athletic training program.  Again, as it did previously the spirit hit me and I felt God's confirmation!!!  I know that God looks after each of us individually and somehow manages to put us in the right places!!!!

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